* EC: The Safe Environment: Making the case to leaders (PDF)[REF: EC, LDR] EC News, August 2016, Vol 19, #8, Pg 1 JCe1608_B4 As in all aspects of quality and safety throughout the hospital, TJC believes the informed and active involvement of leadership is critical. This article more specifically makes the case for leadership involvement in issues related to compliance with EC. EM and LS standards. Hospital leaders need to have a fundamental understanding of what standards require. It also makes suggestions for how to do this such as regular leadership rounding/walk throughs or a semi-regular “Coffee with the Crew”. With the latter strategy, the idea is to create a casual, informal, non-confrontational, trust-building, communication improving forum for sharing information and improving leader awareness. The authors also present a few persuasion tips to assist facility engineers/managers in making their case more effectively. In addition to making clear, simple (i.e., with minimal technical detail/jargon), structured (e.g., consider use of notecards) presentations and finding ways to bring points home with the use of photos or other visuals. Being able to make a sound business case to leadership that shows a cost savings or return on investment can also be helpful. |
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