*TS: CJCP® Certified Joint Commission Professional™: Focus on the “Life Safety” Chapter (PDF/QV) [REF: CJCP, EC, SFT] The Source, December 2015, Vol 13, #12, Pg 10 JCs1512_B4
All healthcare occupancy buildings are required to meet standards in the Life Safety chapter that begin with LS.02. This month, the following four practice questions are asked based upon the LS.02 standards:
• LS.02.01.20, EP 11: Exit corridors in new buildings must be how wide?
• LS.02.01.20, EP 18: Pt sleeping rooms are limited to how many square feet?
• LS.02.01.30: Fixed fire windows in unsprinkled smoke compartments are what %of the wall?
• LS.02.01.35: What is the limit of sprinkler heads on systems protecting isolated hazmat areas connected to a domestic water system
Answers and explanations are found on page 13.
Tip1: Select questions from among this group and others (see also our EOC Test/Q&A Custom Information Feed) to create mock tracer probes and pre-survey quizzes.