*PR: Top Standards Compliance Issues for First Half of 2015 (PDF/QV)[REF:JCSC, FSA] Perspectives, September 2015, Vol 35, #9, Pg 1 JCp1509_B1
Re: BHC – It is significant to note that:
- CTS.03.01.03 continues as the most frequently cited BHC standard for the fifth year in a row.
- IC.02.04.01 that debuted on the list last year in position 10 has now risen in rank to number four.
- HRM.01.02.01, EC.02.03.05 enter the list for the first time and the former is doing so at an unusually high ranking (i.e., #2).
Two others CTS.02.01.05, CTS.02.01.09 ) are returning for the first time in several years.
Re: HAP – It is significant to note that:
- The most frequently cited standards so far this year are the same ones listed at the end of last year
- With few exceptions the compliance issues for hospitals have also retained their relative rankings in the top or bottom half of the list.
Tip1: BHC should pay particular compliance attention to verification of staff qualifications (HRM.01.02.01), their treatment plans (CTS.03.01.03) and staff flu vaccination program (IC.02.04.01).
Tip2: Hospitals should note that the 5-6 most frequently cited standards in this listing tend also to be found in the top ten for psychiatric hospitals (although generally with somewhat lower rankings).
See also: SPHC’s Joint Commission Top Ten Trend Tables