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RTN1505_B6_Top EC and LS Citations

* EC: Top Standards Compliance Data for 2014: EC and LS trouble spots show up for many settings (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, JCSC] EC News, May 2015, Vol 18, #5, Pg 5 JCe1501_B6

Roughly one third to one half of general hospitals surveyed by TJC in 2014 were cited on some number of the following 9 standards making them the most frequently cited standards in the EC and LS chapters last year:
• 56% EC.02.06.01 The hospital establishes and maintains a safe, functional environment.
• 53% EC.02.05.01 The hospital manages risks associated with its utility systems.
• 52% IC.02.02.01 The hospital reduces the risk of infections associated with medical equipment, devices, and supplies.
• 50% LS.02.01.20 The hospital maintains the integrity of the means of egress.
• 48% EC.02.03.05 The hospital maintains fire safety equipment and fire safety building features.
• 46% LS.02.01.10 Building and fire protection features are designed and maintained to minimize the effects of fire, smoke, and heat.
• 43% LS.02.01.30 The hospital provides and maintains building features to protect individuals from the hazards of fire and smoke.
• 43% LS.02.01.35 The hospital provides and maintains systems for extinguishing fires.
• 36% EC.02.02.01 The hospital manages risks related to hazardous materials and waste.
Tip: Give extra attention to these standards when conducting mock surveys and your FSA process.

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