- New & Modified Features
- 1-Click Full Text Articles! – Premier members now have 1-click access to full text of the Joint Commission articles reviewed in this newsletter. Simply go to our review/summary and look for the following symbol: (PDF/QV). Click on PDF to download the full original article (with no need to re-enter a password) or click on QV for a ‘Quick View’ that provides immediate reading of the full text minus the graphics and some formatting. Standard members and visitors may still click on the title of the article in our review/summary or the TJC symbol below to purchase ($10) an article of interest from the publisher’s website.
- Article of the Month
- Clarifications and Expectations: EC Dashboard Keeps Compliance Front and Center (Step-by-step tips for creating and using valuable dashboard tools) EC News, February 2015, Vol 18, #2, Pg 1 [Recommended for: EOC, JCSC, PI] – We would like you to be aware of the dashboarding tool described in this article. The online location of the tool is the ‘Assets’ section of the Joint Commission Resources website suggesting they may be the developers. TJC is careful not to officially endorse the tool as any guarantee of compliance or survey success. Still, it is rare for TJC to feature any tool with the level of detail and illustration provided here…complete with sample illustration and working template. Remember the high frequency of compliance difficulty posed by EC and LS standards for accredited hospitals in general (8 of top 10) and our hospitals in particular (i.e., 5 of top 10) when you consider this tool.
- Click here for our REVIEW(Mbr/Guest); Full text (TJCMbr/Guest (PDFMbr/QVMbr); to share a COMMENT(Mbr/Guest).
- PR: Dental Clinic Surveys: (IC/EOC) Clarification TJC (PDF/QV) [REF:IC]
- TS: Preparing for Infectious Disease Outbreaks (Ebola) TJC (PDF/QV) [REF: IC]
- TS: CMS: Standards Changes for Deemed Status Hospitals TJC (PDF/QV) [REF: CMS, EOC, JCSC, LD, MD, Phrm, RN]
- EC: C&E: EC Dashboard… (Step-by-step tips…) TJC (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, JCSC, PI]
- EC: 6/1/15 deadline … for new OSHA labeling TJC (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, 2015]