*TS: Benchmark: Performance Measurement Toolbox: Displaying Data for Effective Analysis[®] [REF: JCSC, PI] The Source, October 2014, Vol 12, #10, Pg 16 JCp1410_B5 This article describes itself as being “a primer for selecting and using data display tools for effective analysis”. As such, it mentions 7 statistical process control tools and only provides a general sense of how/when they might be used. Not much in terms of detailed how-to’s are given with the one exception of Box Plots (and there the detail is mind numbing). However, the article does contain a useful, if brief, description of run charts, special cause, common cause and control charts. Best of all, it includes a good beginner’s reference for understanding and using control charts entitled, ‘A Selection of Statistical Process Control Tools Used in Monitoring Health Care Performance‘ By: Stephen Schmaltz, PhD |
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One response to “RTN1410_B5_PM Toolbox: Displaying Data for Effective Analysis”
Key Definition: Special Cause
• A factor that intermittently and unpredictably induces variation over and above what is inherent in the system. It often appears as an extreme point or some specific, identifiable pattern in data
Key Definition: Common Cause
• A factor that results from variation inherent in the process or system. The
risk of a common cause can be reduced by redesigning the process or system
[Reference: Benchmark: Performance Measurement Toolbox: Displaying Data for Effective Analysis [®] Source October 2014 ● Volume 12 ● Number 10]