*TS: Strategies for Conducting a Proactive Risk Assessment[®] [REF: Phrm/P&T, PI] The Source, August 2014, Vol 8, #1, Pg 1 JCs1408_B2 LD.04.04.05, EP10 requires hospitals to perform a proactive risk assessment at least every 18 months. However, TJC would actually encourage a greater frequency, particularly whenever a high-risk process is newly begun or modified. The article briefly describes 6 characteristics that can help you define and choose a high-risk process to assess. These include variability, complexity, lack of standardization/consistency, tightly coupled processes, tight time constraints and dependence on human factors. After choosing the process, it is important to choose a multidisciplinary team with sufficient knowledge and understanding of the process to properly judge the criticality/impact of risks that may be identified. Perhaps the most familiar (and most comprehensive) tool for performing proactive risk assessment is the failure mode effects and criticality analysis (FMECA) also called the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). This article listed the following additional tools that might also be used:
Tip1: Obtain the Risk Assessment for Medication Safety Tool/Document (123 pages) and have the P&T Committee (or pharmacy staff) review the document over the next few months. Then, use their three step medication worksheet to collect data on med errors for 6-12months. Finally, aggregate the results and perform a proactive assessment of your medication management system and implement appropriate improvement. Do this every two-three years because medication management is one of the most high risk processes in our hospitals. It will also serve as great preparation and foundation for discussion during your triennial Medication Management System Tracer. |
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