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RTN1312_B5_EC.02.03.05 (EP1-4) – Fire Equip/Bld Features

* EC: Maintaining Fire Equipment and Building Features: A deep dive into EC.02.03.05[®] [REF: EOC, SFT] EC News October 2013, Vol 16, #10, Pg 5  JCe1312_B5

EC.02.03.05 has been among the top 10 most frequently cited during hospital surveys for the last 4 years.  It has gradually fallen from #4 in 2010 to #6 in 2013.  Still, TJC is sufficiently concerned enough that it is dedicating its Clarifications & Expectations series to the 21 EPs of this standard over the next several months.  This article briefly overviews the intent of EPs 1-4, relating to Signal devices (EP1), Water-flow devices  and valve tamper switches (EP2), Notification devices (EP3), Visual and Audible Fire Alarms (EP4).  The survey activity related to each is briefly described and suggestions for assessing compliance is provided.
Tip: This is a good review tool.  Also, use the EC.02.03.05 Compliance Checklist (sidebar on page 7) as a guide for your FSA and mock survey/tracer activity for EOC. 

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2 responses to “RTN1312_B5_EC.02.03.05 (EP1-4) – Fire Equip/Bld Features”

  1. Below is our Review for Part 2 of this article:

    *EC: Effective Maintenance and Testing Protects Life Safety: Progressing further into EC.02.03.05: EPs 5 and 6, testing notification devices and no-flow fire pumps[®] [REF: EOC] EC News, March 2014, Vol 17, #3, Pg 5 JCe1403_B5

    What is a ‘Churn Test’? How often should it be done and is it OK to start one manually? Not knowing the answer to such questions is one of the reasons EC.02.03.05 is one of the most frequently cited standards for TJC hospitals (EP6) in general, and our SPHCC member psychiatric hospitals (EP5) in particular. This article continues a series begun in December 2013 that has focused in detail on the requirements for compliance with each of this standard’s Eps. Although the most frequently cited EP for our Psychiatric Hospitals is EP3, this article is an excellent review for this challenging standard. EP5 focuses on the quarterly testing of notification devices. Did you know that documents related to fire alarm certification and fire alarm service providers should be located within 36 inches of the fire control panel? EP6 addresses the weekly Churn Test (for water-based fire protection systems) referenced at the beginning of this review. If you didn’t know the answers, you should definitely read this article. You should also know that the new CMS categorical waivers include one which allows the required weekly churn testing to be performed monthly for fire pumps that are electric motor-driven.

    Tip: Use the Checklist for Weekly No-Flow Fire Pump Testing provided in this article to guide your testing process. If your testing is performed by an outside contractor, include it as part of the contract to help ensure their compliant performance.

    – See more at: http://www.fieldsinc.com/rtn1403_b5#comment-477

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