• TS: – Perspectives on Patient Safety: Chassin and Loeb: Framework Can Help Hospitals Achieve High Reliability[®] [REF: GB, JCSC, LDR, PI] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 15 JCs1311_B6 This is the second offering this month in a major TJC periodical that focuses on High Reliability and references the article “High-Reliability Health Care: Getting There from Here”. This 1-pager provides a brief overview of the article and twice mentions the “14 components” of the high-reliability framework. It also announces that TJC is developing a high-reliability maturity assessment tool and field testing other tools to assist organizations in achieving high-reliability. • Leadership: (1-Board, 2-CEO/Management, 3-Physicians, 4-Quality Strategy, 5-Quality Measures, 6-Information Technology) We believe they are likely to be important reference points for leaders to know and begin integrating into long-range improvement planning. |
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