• TS: – 5 Sure-Fire Methods: Complying with Standard MM.07.01.03[®] [REF: MD, P&T, Phrm] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 2 JCs1311_B4 Full compliance with MM.07.01.03 requires having a process for responding to actual/potential ADEs, significant adverse drug reactions, and medication errors. It also requires staff to be aware of the process and actually follow it. To do so most effectively, the article recommends that in addition to staff education: 1 – Clearly define key terms such as adverse drug event, medication error, and near miss Tip: Ask your P&T Committee to review ADE/Med error data for the last 6-12 months and identify the most significant trend (e.g., most frequently occurring error type). Charge the committee to develop a plan of improvement to be presented to and implemented by the Medical Staff, as an improvement initiative for the coming year. |
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