••WHAT’S NEW for November
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- Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- Tip#11: ABCs & Colors of the RTN – Our readers tell us that at first, the colors, abbreviations and acronyms used in this publication can seem a bit much…but once you get the hang of them, they really help. They help you read more quickly and effectively. They help us pack more info into a smaller space. For example, the listing of each recommended reading below provides enough of the original title to understand the topic AND it identifies the periodical it came from AND who is most likely to benefit from reading it. The 2 letters that begin the listing indicate the source from which it comes (e.g., PR means Perspectives). Notice that the letters are also color coded to speed recognition. Maroon letters highlighted in yellow indicate those most likely to find a particular article useful (e.g., JCSC = Joint Commission Survey Coordinator, LDR = Leader, SFT = Safety Officer). This color is also used to help standards (e.g, LD.04.03.09) pop out in our reviews and summaries. Aqua blue is the color clue for CMS-related material. Most of these shortcuts are fairly intuitive, especially for those who Text. However, to help you get into the swing, we have added a mini reminder key at the bottom of this Highlights section. There is also a more detailed Abbreviations Key in the last section of the full newsletter. OK? TTYL. THX – RAF
- PR: JC Pres…New Approaches Necessary to Improve Health Care Ftxt [REF: GB, JCSC, LDR]
- PR: Addendum to JC Business Associate Agreements Posted Ftxt [REF: IM, JCSC, PtAd]
- TS: Highlights of the 2013 Hospital Executive Briefings Ftxt [PEARL: IC, JCSC, LDR, MD]
- TS: Complying with Standard MM.07.01.03 Ftxt [REF: MD, P&T, Phrm]
- TS: Patient or Resident Education Tracer Ftxt [REF: PtEd, RN]
- TS: Chassin: Framework Can Help Hospitals Achieve High Reliability Ftxt [REF: GB, JCSC, LDR, PI]
- TS: CMS: Preparing a Plan of Correction Ftxt [REF: CMS, CJCP, GB, JCSC, LDR]
- EC: What the CMS Life Safety Code Waivers Mean for You Ftxt [REF: CMS, EOC, SFT]
- EC: Test Your Standards IQ Ftxt [REF: EOC, CJCP, SFT]
- Violence Code Reload: new violence prevention program Ftxt [REF: E&M, SFT]
- Free new NIOSH online class offers valuable tips and CE credits Ftxt [REF: E&M, SFT]
** Key: Ftxt=Full Text Link PR=Perspectives (JcE), TS=The Source (JcS), EC=EC News (JcE), CM=CMS, JO=JC Online, TP=JC Topics **[More Abbreviations] **
One response to “RTN1311_A_Highlights”
Joint Commission Announces 2013 List of Top Performer Hospitals
Perspectives, December 2013 ● Volume 33 ● Number 12
All of the 2013 Top Performer hospitals achieved the following three criteria
necessary for recognition:
1. At least a 95% composite rate across all reported accountability measures,
including those with fewer than 30 reported cases
2. At least a 95% rate for each individual accountability measure with a sample size
of 30 or more cases
3. At least a 95% composite rate and at least a 95% rate for all applicable individual
accountability measures for at least one core measure set
• HBIPS-2 and HBIPS-3: Eligibility rules were clarified
regarding Hospital-based Inpatient Psychiatric Services
(HBIPS) accountability measures HBIPS-2 (Hours of
Physical Restraint Use) and HBIPS-3 (Hours of
Seclusion). These are process measures that are reported as
a ratio. Since the Top Performer program model cannot
accommodate ratios in its calculations, these measures
were excluded from the calculation composite rates.
● HBIPS-4a and HBIPS-5a: Also excluded were HBIPS-4a
(Multiple Antipsychotic Medications at Discharge–Overall
Rate) and HBIPS-5a (Multiple Antipsychotic Medications
at Discharge With Appropriate Justification–Overall Rate).
However, HBIPS-5a will be included in The Joint
Commission’s calculation of composite rates beginning
with the calendar year 2013 data and going forward.