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RTN1310_B2_IC.02.02.01 (Med Equip)

TS:  5-Sure-Fire Methods: Complying with Standard IC.02.02.01[®] [REF: Hskp, IC, RN, SFT] The Source, October 2013, Vol 11, #10, Pg 2  JCs1310_B2

Almost half (47%) of TJC hospitals surveyed during the first half of 2013 were found out of compliance with this requirement for reducing the risk of infections via medical equipment, devices and supplies.  Although less of an issue for psychiatric hospitals, it is still relevant. IC.02.02.01 EP1 requires low-level disinfection of items such as stethoscopes and blood glucose meters.  EP2 addresses the performance of intermediate and high-level disinfection that might still be applicable; especially for those facilities with Dental Clinics.  As with all articles in this series, 5 compliance strategies are provided. One of the first/rate-limiting recommendations is to use a group of relevant staff to make a list of everything that might need to be cleaned, disinfected or sterilized.  Next, define/document the steps for appropriate cleaning of each. A second key recommendation is to routinely monitor expiration dates on test strips.  This is not an uncommon survey finding for our hospitals.  Other advice included monitoring the chemical mix of high-level disinfection solutions (if you use them) and, of course, staff training.
TIP: Ask your IC Coordinator to provide you with a list of all items (low-high level) requiring cleaning, disinfecting or sterilization.  Based on what you receive, have the list created as recommended above or updated now/periodically. Pay particular attention to your Dental Clinic if you have one. 

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