••WHAT’S NEW for June
- Fresh SPHCC
- Guests & Visitors – We welcome you to this Highlights section of our newsletter. As you will see below, it contains a listing of our best reading recommendations and some downloadable material for those who want to keep up with compliance issues in the field of Behavioral Health and Psychiatry.
- Members:
Full Text Articles – Many of you have said you would like to be able to click on the title of one of our review articles and be able to read the full text. Well, for those of you who are Premium Members, this added feature is on the way. We had hoped to have it in place this month, but negotiations with TJC and the setup are taking longer than expected.
- Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- Tip#6: Faster Newsletter Navigation – Articles posted in this newsletter are distributed into a number of sections. At the bottom of each section is a light gray tool bar area called the ‘RTN Quick Jump’. It contains links that allow you to move more rapidly between the 10 sections of the newsletter without having to scroll through every article or turn pages. It is also a good way to get back to the top/beginning of the RTN. Scroll down to the bottom of this Highlights section to the first Quick Jump bar. Click on one of the links and Get Jumping!
- PR:The “Patient Flow Standard” and the 4-Hour Recommendation[®] [Ref: GB, LDR, MDx, RNx]
- PR: Clarifying Misconceptions About Sentinel Event Reporting [Pearl: JCSC, Mdx, PI, LDR]
- TS: Mount Sinai Tackles Patient Boarding [REF: GB, LDR, MDx, RNx]
- TS: 5 Sure-Fire Methods: Complying with PC.01.02.09 [REF: PtAd, MDx, Psy, RNx, SWx]
- TS: Tracer Methodology 101: Credentialing and Privileging in Ambulatory Care [REF: JCSC, MDx]
- TS: CJCP™ : Certified Joint Commission Professional: Spotlight on the Accreditation Process[Pearl: CJCP, JCSC, Ldr]
- EC: OSHA & Worker Safety: Safety Synergy The importance of stressing safety for both workers and patients in health care organizations [REF: GB, LDR, SFT]
- EC: Clarifications and Expectations: Environment of Care Management Plans Making sure your plans get the job done[®] [REF: E&M, SFT]
••Additional Updates in: