••WHAT’S NEW for May
- Fresh SPHCC
- All Readers, Guests & Visitors – We welcome you to this Highlights section of our newsletter. Each month we attempt to provide a unique listing of recommended readings, downloadable material, hard-to-find compliance references and alerts for those in the field of Behavioral Health and Psychiatry. This month we want to give you a special ‘Heads up’ on an unfolding CMS issue (some of the hardest to find) related to performance measures in their Inpatient Psychiatric Facilities Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program. Use this link to access our review of CMS-1599-P and more references in the main body of this newsletter. Ordinarily these reviews are reserved for SPHCC members, but occasionally there are topics that need to be shared more broadly. Please feel free and encouraged to share this review and any feedback/suggestions you might have via the comments link at the end of the article.
- Members:
- Welcome Back Indiana: Evansville State Hospital, Logansport State Hospital and Richmond State Hospital as they prepare for upcoming TJC surveys.
- Full Text Review Articles: In response to your request/suggestions we have finally been able to negotiate an arrangement with TJC so that Premium Level members can use the links in our newsletter to download the full text of the article in the review. Illinois hospitals will serve as our pilots receive e-mail instructions shortly. Thanks to all for your ideas and encouragement!
- ILLINOIS: Congrats to the Northern Tier Hospitals for completing Part 2 of the TJC Update making them eligible for 24 CEUs.
- Associates: Standard (L2) and Premier (L3) Associates now have access to Custom Information Feeds (CIF). This is a great way to stay current in a particular area of standards. Review this and other benefits on the ‘Associates Features Table on your sign-in dashboard, then contact us to request your CIF line(s).
- Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- Tip#5: The Down low on Downloads! Who says you can’t get something for nothing? If you are a reader of the RTN or Highlights (which you are right now :), you certainly can! Whether you are an SPHCC member, a Guest or Associate, the Downloads section of our Highlights contains relevant freebees for you. These items range from additional references and useful tools, to full text articles, sample policies and podcasts. Most will download quickly as PDF files or MP3s. Try it and see!
- TS: Effective, Individualized Care Planning [Pearl: AT, MD, Psy, RN, SW]
- TS: CJCP: IC Sample Questions [Pearl: CJCP, IC, JCSC]
- TS: Tracer: Physical Exams in a CMHC [REF: BHC, JCSC, LDR, MD]
- EC: Test Your (EM) Standards IQ [Pearl: CJCP, E&M]
- EC: The Info Collection & Evaluation System (ICES) [REF: EOC, JCSC, PI, SFT]
- EC: ILSM Mock Tracer [REF: E&M, JCSC, SFT]
- CM: Inpt Psych Facility Quality Reporting (IPFQR) [Pearl: CMS, F&B, GB, JCSC, LDR, MDx, PI, RNx]
••Additional Updates in: