• TS: – Children’s Specialized Hospital Boosts Medication Reconciliation Rates[®] [REF: JCSC, PI, MD, P&T, RN] The Source, February 2013, Vol 11, #3, Pg 1 This article provides a useful example of the failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) as it is applied to the challenging process of medication reconciliation (NPSG.03.06.01). It outlines key steps in the FMEA process to include literature review, the use of flow charting (example provided on page 6), quantifying risks and setting a measurable performance goal. This latter step is too often neglected. After completing the FMEA, the medication reconciliation process and policy were revised and a new flowchart created to reflect this. One interesting aspect of this hospital’s process was the ability to use a ‘test mode’ feature of their electronic health record (EHR) to perform trial runs of the new process. Education on the new process was emphasized.
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