••WHAT’S NEW for March
- Fresh SPHCC
- Guests & Visitors – We welcome you to this Highlights section of our newsletter. As you will see below, it contains a listing of our best reading recommendations and some downloadable material for those who want to keep up with compliance issues in the field of Behavioral Health and Psychiatry.
- Current Members:
- ALL: Your Custom Resource Page (CRP) contains a graphic representation of your organization. Did you know you can customize this? You can update your CRP with a different photo of your facility, leadership group or honor staff with a group or employee of the month shot. Just send us what you would like to have inserted as a JPEG, TIFF or PDF document and we’ll do the rest.
- INDIANA: On site survey prep visits begin for your state hospitals this month.
- ILLINOIS: The Joint Commission Update Workshop #2 for Northern Tier Hospitals is scheduled for April 8-10 (@ EMHC) and April 22-24 (@MMHC). Mark your calendars! Congrats to Alton MMH participants who successfully passed the TJC Post Test and received 24 CEUs! See and comment on Southern Tier Hospital Graduation Photo.
- Associates: Our reading club membership is growing. Thanks for helping make the cost of journal subscriptions more affordable for all.
- Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- R-Tip#3: Speed Read the RTN Part 1. Did you know this newsletter is designed to make you a speed reader? You should be able to review this newsletter in less than 5 minutes and actually read it in 15 because we help you prioritize what you read. First, we sort out readings that are most relevant to psychiatric hospitals and BHC programs and then list them in one convenient place: the RECOMMENDED READING section according to where they are published (e.g. PR = Perspectives, TS = The Source and EC = EC News). Scan the list for what is of interest/importance to you and click on its link. Instead of scrolling through the entire newsletter you will be taken straight to a concise review of that article. This saves time finding and reading!
- PR: Sentinel Event Statistics for 2012 [Pearl: CJCP, GB, LDR, MDx, RNx]
- TS: Hospital Boosts Medication Reconciliation Rate [REF: JCSC, PI, MD, P&T, RN]
- TS: Complying with Standard MM.08.01.01 [Pearl: JCSC, PI, MD, P&T, RN]
- TS: CMS: Evolving Requirements for Nonphysician Practitioners [REF: CMS, GB, LDR, MD]
- EC: Test Your Standards IQ [Pearl: CJCP, EOC, JCSC, SFT]
- EC: 7 Easy Steps to Risk Assessment… [Pearl: EOC, LDR, PI, SFT]
- EC: A hazardous materials and waste management mock tracer… [REF: E&M, JCSC, SFT]
••Additional Updates in: