• EC: – Clarifications and Expectations: Emergency Generator Reliability Superstorm Sandy raises questions and concerns [REF: EOC, EM, LDR, PI, SFT] EC News January 2013, Vol 16, # 1, Pg 7 [®] EPs 5 and 6 of EC.02.03.05 requires hospitals to have sufficient emergency power to run any equipment; the loss of which, would cause patient harm. To that end, generators (and their automatic transfer switches) are to be tested for 30 minutes, 12 times per year and for four hours, at least once every 4 years. Although not a specific requirement of standard, there is encouragement for Ldr and PI consideration of generator failure as an issue for hazard vulnerability analysis HVA. An HVA could pick up risks like low-lying generators that might become flooded as was the case with Superstorm Sandy. #JCe1301_EmergGenerators
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