••WHAT’S NEW: November
- Fresh SPHCC
- Guests & Visitors – Welcome to the refurbished SPHCC website at www.SPHCC.net! Monthly posting of key extracts from this newsletter Psychiatric Compliance Highlights is now back online and available as an RSS feed.
- Current Members: Your Custom Resource Pages are being updated to serve as your new home page even as you read these lines. In some cases all we need is confirmation of your Joint Commission Survey Coordinator’s (JCSC) e-mail address so we can send your new username and password. On the surface, your homepage should still seem familiar, but underneath are important new abilities for your sharing, questioning and our ability to customize the compliance news and information you need. Thanks again for your patience and support. Welcome back!
- Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN):
- Delays – With this issue we are finally back on schedule!
- Format: As you will see in this issue, the format is essentially the same, but members should note the new option for discussion and submitting e-support requests by clicking on the comment link at the top of each reference article. And, if you find an article or issue you would like to keep track of, you can now subscribe to that topic via RSS feed. Special topic feeds for subjects like TOC, ICM and JCCAP are already in the works. More details on features to come!
- PR: TJC Launches Transitions of Care (TOC) Portal… [REF: LDR, PI, UR/UM]
- PR: Comprehensive Documentation…(for) a Safe Environment [REF: EOC, E&M, JCCAP, JCSC, SFT]
- TS: Preparing for… Intracycle Monitoring [REF: JCCAP, JCSC, PI]
- EC: Test Your Standards IQ [Pearl: JCCAP, JCSC, E&M, SFT]
- EC: Tracing the Environment… utilities… mock tracer [REF: EOC, E&M, SFT, JCSC]
- JO: ICM Profile to launch…(2/12/12) with submission extensions [REF: JCAAP, JCSC, PI, LDR]
- JO: Tips for documenting fire response testing [REF: EOC, SFT]
••Additional Updates in:
- Perspectives (PR): 0 more articles
- The Source (TS): 0 more articles
- EC News (EC): 0 more articles
- JC Online (JO): 1 more articles