• TS: – Tracer Methodology 101: Transition of Care Tracer [Pearl: LDR, PI, UR/UM] The Source, October 2012, Vol 10, # 10, Pg 4 [®] There is no description of a Transition Tracer in the current TJC survey activity guide. However, TJC recently launched a Transitions of Care (TOC) Portal and published Transitions of Care: The need for a more effective approach to continuing patient care (PDF1211). [®] In this 8-page paper, TJC describes a three-year initiative to define “methods for achieving improvement in the effectiveness of the transitions of patients between health care organizations…” This issue is also being addressed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) in its Project RED (Re-Engineered Discharge), a patient-centered standardized approach to discharge planning, including a 4-module training program. TJC’s work seems to focus on breakdowns of communication, patient education and accountability. A sample hospital-based tracer scenario along with sample questions is provided.
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