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RTN1501_B10_Sentinel Event Policy Augmented

* EC: Sentinel Event Policy Augmented: The Joint Commission recently updated its Sentinel Event Policy; here’s what you need to know[®] [REF: 1501, JCSC, LDR, PI] EC News, January 2015, Vol 18, #7, Pg 1 JCe1501_B10

This article attempts to provide an EOC perspective on the recently revised Sentinel Event Policy.  However, its key value may be in the useful overview/list of changes it provides in an insert on Page 8 entitled, A Range of Change in the Revised Sentinel Event Policy.   These include:

  • The Sentinel Events chapter has been reorganized
  • Sentinel Events (SE) are more limited in their definition to those events that “reach the patient” (typically considered ‘reviewable’ in the past)
  • The list of reviewable events has been modified to include episodes of ‘flame, unanticipated smoke, heat or flashes’ while providing patient care.
  • SEs are now a subtype within the larger category of Safety Events
  • The organizational response to an SE now requires ‘comprehensive systematic analysis’… of which an RCA is only one type
  • SE follow-up involves more collaboration with TJC by an organization
  • “Types of appropriate follow-up activities (e.g., SE-MOS) have been expanded”
  • Due dates are now based on business vs calendar days “in particular instances”

The article also contains additional sidebars with official definitions of key terms and links to more related references/resources. (e.g., SE Fact Sheet, SE Alerts, SE Data Statistics)
Tip: Review the summary of changes on Page 8. Download the New SE Policy.
see also:
RTN1409_B2_New PS Chapter & SE Definition and comments section for Key Definitions

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2 responses to “RTN1501_B10_Sentinel Event Policy Augmented”

  1. Key Definition: Sentinel Event
    • A Sentinel Event is a Patient Safety Event (not primarily related to the natural course of the patient’s illness or underlying condition), that reaches a patient and results in any of the following:
    — Death
    — Permanent harm
    — Severe temporary harm
    — Intervention is required to sustain life.

    Key Definition: Patient Safety Event
    • A Patient Safety Event is an event, incident, or condition that could have resulted or did result in harm to a patient. Patient Safety Events also include adverse events, close calls (or near misses), hazardous (or unsafe) conditions, and no-harm events.

    Key Definition: Patient Activation
    • The active collaboration between the health care organization and the patient and his or her family.


    [Reference: Patient Safety Systems: New Accreditation Manual Chapter for Hospitals [®] The Source, September 2014, Vol 12, #9, Pg 1]

    See also: Patient Safety Systems: New Accreditation Manual Chapter for Hospitals [REF: 2015, CJCP, JCSC, LDR, PI, SFT] The Source, September 2014, Vol 12, #9, Pg 1

  2. Key Definition: Adverse Event
    • A Patient Safety Event that results in harm to a patient.

    Key Definition: No-Harm Event
    • A Patient Safety Event that reaches the patient but does not cause harm..

    Key Definition: Close Call/span>
    • A Patient Safety Event that does not reach patient.

    Key Definition: Hazardous Condition/span>
    • A circumstance (other than a patient’s own condition or disease process) that increases the probability of anadverse event.


    [Reference: Sentinel Event Policy Augmented: The Joint Commission recently updated its Sentinel Event Policy; here’s what you need to know [®] EC News, January 2015, Vol 18, #7, Pg 1]

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