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[Index] [Blog] Perspectives [PR] – (August, Vol 32, # 8)

Pg01 AnchorJoint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare Releases Targeted Solutions Tool for Hand-Off Communications FYI: RNx, RN. TJC’s Targeted Solutions Tool for Hand-off Communication was released on 6/27/12. It is designed to help caregivers prevent communication related errors when information is passed among caregivers. As with previous TSTs, this one is also an application that walks an organization through a series of steps designed to identify opportunities for performance improvement and provide guidance toward proven solutions most relevant to an organizations particular needs. More specifically the Hand-off TST should help:
• Evaluate the current hand-off processes
• Use a validated measurement system to determine need for improvement
• Identify areas of needed focus
• data collection (customizable forms)
The Hand-off TST has identified a number of specific causes for ineffective hand-offs along with solutions described in the mnemonic for SHARE:
• Standardize critical content. – e.g.,SBAR
● Hardwire within your system – e.g., using standardized forms
● Allow opportunity to ask questions – i.e., between senders and receivers of the info
● Reinforce quality and measurement – e.g., evaluating hand-off compliance and holding staff accountable
● Educate and coach – i.e., hand-off related teaching and training



[Index] [Blog] The Source [TS] (August Vol 9 # 8)

Pg10 AnchorCMS: Regulatory Changes Affect Deemed Status Organizations [REF: GB, IC, IM, JCSC, LDR, MDx, RNx] As previously reported, on 7/16/12, a revision of Conditions of Participation (CoPs) to allow hospitals more flexibility became effective. A 1-page summary of these revisions is provided in a table on page 11 of this article. For more details, see our RTN review of CMS-3244-F provided in a special expansion of the CMS section of our June newsletter.


[Index] [Blog] Environment of Care News [EC] (August Vol 15 #8)


Pg05 AnchorTClarifications and Expectations: Corridor Clutter Trashed, Part 1 What to put in a corridor and when without violating the Life Safety Code® FYI: JCSC, Last month we noted that the same article in the Clarifications & Expectations series (featuring George Mills) was presented in Perspectives and EOC News. TJC has done it again. There is a slight change in the title (from Managing Corridor Clutter—Part 1 to Corridor Clutter Trashed, Part 1), a subtitle has been added (What to put in a corridor and when without violating the Life Safety Code®) and a new 2-sentence introduction. Otherwise, it is the same article with almost exactly the same content and section headings. Refer to our review of the article in Perspectives above.

Pg08 AnchorTraditional Equivalencies CMS permits use of certain sections of the 2012 Life Safety Code®[Ftxt] FYI: EOC, LDR, SFT, This is the same article published under the same title 2 months ago in Perspectives. Click on [Ftxt] above for a full text download. For more details and a download of S&C12-21-LSC referenced in the article, see our June 2012 RTN review of Traditional Equivalencies: CMS Permits Use of Certain Sections of 2012 LSC Perspectives (June, Vol 32, # 6) pg7 Life Safety Code®.


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