* EC:EC Toolbox: Checklist for compliance with Standard EC.02.03.01 (PDF)[REF: EC, Tool] EC News, September 2016, Vol 19, #9, Pg 5 JCe1609_B5 During 2015, his standard was among the ten most frequently cited for both hospitals and BHC programs. That continues to be the case for BHC in the first half of this year as well. The standard requires that any fire safety equipment and fire safety building features (e.g., fire alarms/notification devices, sprinklers, fire extinguishers, hoses, samplers, smoke detectors, fire doors) present in your facility have to be inspected, tested and maintained according to prescribed time frames. In addition, the inspections, testings and maintenance must be documented. Failure to document will result in a finding of non-compliance. For this reason, TJC has developed and provided in this article (page 7) a Checklist for Compliance with EC.02.03.05. |
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