* EC: EC Toolbox: Know how to inventory flammable liquids (PDF/QV) [REF: EC, SFT] EC News, December 2015, Vol 18, #12, Pg 4 JCe1512_B6 EC.01.01.01 and EC.02.02.01 apply to flammable and combustible liquids (i.e., liquids that can burn). The main difference between the two is how easily they ignite (i.e., their flash point). In general, flammable liquids can catch fire and burn easily at temperatures less than100 degrees F, while combustible liquids require temperatures greater than 100 degrees F to burn. The article provides a [Pearl] checklist of both types of liquids that are commonly used in hospitals on page 5. It also gives some of the parameters for safe storage of these liquids in storage cabinets (e.g., no more than 60 gallons) and dedicated storage rooms. |
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