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RTN1510_B3_The Braden Scale

*TS: Patient Safety Tool Box: The Braden Scale for Assessing Pressure Ulcer Risk (PDF/QV) [REF: IC, RN] The Source, October 2015, Vol 13, #10, Pg 5 JCs1510_B3

Assessment and management of decubitus ulcers is addressed in NPSG.14.01.01. Although this requirement is applicable to Nursing Care Centers and not strictly speaking to hospitals, the issue is certainly one to be concerned about with the elderly and non-ambulatory populations served in many of our psychiatric facilities.  As such, it is worth noting that in this article, TJC approves and essentially (although indirectly) endorses use of the Braden Scale. A copy of the scale is included in the article.
TIP: Hospitals also surveyed under the NCC standards and those with aged, and/or bed-ridden populations should consider electing to apply NPSG.14.01.01 to themselves and utilize a TJC-approved tool, The Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk.
See Also: AHRQ Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals- A Toolkit for Improving Quality of Care and Comments of this article for more info on the scale.

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One response to “RTN1510_B3_The Braden Scale”

  1. Background: The Braden Scale
    This tool can be used to identify patients at-risk for pressure ulcers. The Braden
    Scale was developed by Barbara Braden and Nancy Bergstrom in 1988 and has since been used
    widely in the general adult patient population. The scale consists of six subscales and the total scores range from 6-23. A lower Braden score indicates higher levels of risk for pressure ulcer development. Generally, a score of 18 or less indicates at-risk status.

    Reference: http://www.bradenscale.com/images/bradenscale.pdf. Reprinted with permission.

    Instructions: Complete the form by scoring each item from 1-4 (1 for low level of functioning and 4 for highest level of functioning) for the first five risk factors and 1-3 for the last risk factor.

    Use: Use this tool in conjunction with clinical assessment to determine if a patient is at risk for developing pressure ulcers and plan the care accordingly. In addition to the overall score, abnormal scores on any of the subscales should be addressed in the care plan.

    Background: The Nnorton Scale
    This tool can be used to identify patients at risk for pressure ulcers. The Norton
    Scale was developed in the 1960s and is widely used to assess the risk for pressure ulcer in adult patients. The five subscale scores of the Norton Scale are added together for a total score that ranges from 5-20. A lower Norton score indicates higher levels of risk for pressure ulcer development. Generally, a score of 14 or less indicates at-risk status.

    Reference: Norton D, McLaren R, Exton Smith AN. An investigation of geriatric nursing
    problems in the hospital. London, UK: National Corporation for the Care of Old People (now the Centre for Policy on Ageing); 1962. Reprinted with permission.

    ——Source: Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Hospitals- A Toolkit for Improving Quality of Care, pgs 134 and 136 by AHRQ

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