* EC: Clarifications and Expectations: Caution: E-cigarettes Pose Potential Hazards[®] [REF: EOC, SFT] EC News, January 2015, Vol 18, #7, Pg 1 JCe1501_B1
The purpose of this article is to clarify the TJC position on E-cigarettes. In so doing, two points are made especially clear:
1 – EC.02.01.03: Smoking of any type (including electronic) is prohibited in buildings
2 – E-cigarettes “pose a potential fire hazard.”
The latter is largely related to the fact that such cigarettes use a battery-powered atomizer to vaporize the nicotine solution for inhalation. This requires heat, wherein lies the potential fire. Another risk are the batteries (and their rechargers) that can overheat and/or explode. Although the fire risk overall may be less than that of traditional cigarettes, it is significant and with the rising use of such devices, it becomes worthy of safety consideration.
Tip: Ensure compliance with EC.02.01.03 for all smoking methods and update smoking related policies to include E-cigarettes