*TS: Tracer Methodology 101: Waived Testing in a Critical Access Hospital[®] [REF: IC, P&T, RN] The Source, August 2014, Vol 8, #1, Pg 2 JCs1408_B4
This tracer scenario occurs in a Critical Access Hospital, but is relevant to the WT Chapter and other standards (e.g., IC.02.02.01, EP1, LD.04.01.01) for psychiatric hospitals as well. In addition to the scenario and seven sample questions, the article also provides insight into three frequent causes of non-compliance:
1: Staff Competency – failure to conduct an assessment that uses at least 2 of the 4 required options. (WT.03.01.01, EP5)
2: Medical Record Documentation – failure to include the reference ranges for qualitative tests as is frequently the case for waived glucose testing. (WT.04.01.01)
3: Quality Control Results – failure to document both internal and external results (WT.05.01.01)
The article also recommends a Point-Of-Care Committee or person to oversee “regulations, requirements and clinical aspects of testing.”
Tip1: As always, we recommend collecting the included Tracer Worksheet and sample questions for use in Mock Tracers.
Tip2: Consider adding oversight of waived testing to your P&T committee.