• EC: – Clarifications and Expectations: Environment of Care Management Plans Making sure your plans get the job done[®] [REF: E&M, SFT] EC News June 2013, Vol 16, #6, Pg 6 If you write or review EOC management plans, this is an article you should read. It tells you the 7 key topics (sidebar on page 7) that all plans should address and even provides an outline (page 7, col b, para 3) for an acceptable plan. While the article is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive, it clearly sets out minimum expectations and provides practical guidance for writing solid plans. For example, it was a bit surprising to read that TJC expects these plans to be more like executive summaries. Rather than having the details of how things are done, they are looking for assurance of processes being in place for getting them done. Similarly, restating standards as part of the plan is discouraged. The article also describes a couple of alternative approaches to having six stand-alone plans that is especially worth knowing, however, whatever approach is taken should be used consistently across the plans. Since you are expected to comply with the “strictest authority having jurisdiction (AHJ), plans should also indicate when some entity other than TJC is the AHJ. Finally, the authors provide 10 questions (“A Rubric for Management Plans” sidebar on page 8) for self-evaluation and Likert-type scale scoring of management plans.
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