RTN1504_B2_2014 Sentinel Event Statistics
• PR: Sentinel Event Statistics for 2014 (PDF/QV) [REF: JCSC, LDR, PI] Perspectives April 2015, Vol 35, #4, Pg 9 JCp1504_B2 It is significant to note that Falls (#2), Suicide (#3), Delay in Treatment (#4), Criminal Events such as assault/rape/homicide (#5) and Medication Errors (#10) continue in the Top 10 listing as they have for many…
RTN1501_B10_Sentinel Event Policy Augmented
* EC: Sentinel Event Policy Augmented: The Joint Commission recently updated its Sentinel Event Policy; here’s what you need to know[®] [REF: 1501, JCSC, LDR, PI] EC News, January 2015, Vol 18, #7, Pg 1 JCe1501_B10 This article attempts to provide an EOC perspective on the recently revised Sentinel Event Policy. However, its key value may…
RTN1409_B2_New PS Chapter & SE Definition
*TS: Patient Safety Systems: New Accreditation Manual Chapter for Hospitals[®] [REF: 2015, CJCP, JCSC, LDR, PI, SFT] The Source, September 2014, Vol 12, #9, Pg 1 JCs1409_B2 Patient Safety Systems (PS) will be a new chapter in the hospital accreditation manual effective January 1, 2015. The article says the new chapter will not contain new…