Category: CATcrt_TreatmentPlanning

  • C*_B118_TxPln

    Resources: Treatment Plans/Planning Relevant Standards CMS: B120-B123 TJC: PC.01.03.01 (EP 1, 5, 22-23, 43),  PC.01.03.05 (EP 1-3), PC.02.01.01 (EP 1), PC.02.01.05 (EP 1), RC.01.01.01 (EP 5-8), RC.02.01.01 (EP 2) References & Tools 07WernersvillTxPlnTraining2  Sample wording and suggested approaches from Wernersville State Hospital, Pa (WeSH). Treatment Planning Kennedy Treatment Planning Model, Treatment Planning Bibliography  {Users include…

  • RTN1302_B2_Discharge Planning Tracer

    • TS: – Tracer Methodology 101 Effective Discharge Planning[®] [REF: JCSC, SW] The Source, February 2013, Vol 11, #2, Pg 6 This latest installment in this series encourages the use of tracer methodology to help improve discharge planning.  It also offers the usual general hospital-based scenario for such a tracer, but the sample questions and…