Category: CATcf_ECTestQ&A

  • RTN1507_B4_EOC Standards IQ

    * EC:  Test Your Standards IQ (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, SFT] EC News, July 2015, Vol 18, #7, Pg 2 JCe1507_B4 There are 5 practice questions related to the following standards: • EC.02.03.03, EP 3-4 – Percent of fire drills that should be unannounced? • LS.02.01.20 EP 12  – Inches allowed for projections into a corridor? • EC.02.05.07,…

  • RTN1505_B4_Standards IQ

    * EC: Test Your Standards IQ (PDF/QV) [REF: JCSC, LDR, PI] EC News, May 2015, Vol 18, #5, Pg 1 JCe1501_B4 There are 5 practice questions related to the following standards: • LS.02.01.20, EP 9 – Automatic release devices on stairway doors • EC.01.01.01, EPs 3–8 – EC Management plans • EC.02.05.07, EP 7 – 4-hour continuous…

  • RTN1503_B4_Standards IQ (LS)

    * EC: Test Your Standards IQ (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, CJCP] EC News, March 2015, Vol 18, #3, Pg 2 JCe1503_B4 Two of this month’s five practice questions were relevant and related to the following standards: • LS.02.01.70, EP2 – What size soiled linen or trash receptacle requires storage in a protected hazardous area? • LS.02.01.35, EP9…