Category: CATcf2_CJCPref

  • RTN1307_B3_TJC Requirements

    • PR: Joint Commission Requirements “Webpages Enhanced” [Pearl: CJCP, JCSC] Perspectives July 2012, Vol 33, #7, Pg 18 For those who do not know, Joint Commission Requirements, are TJC’s collection of the latest (going back at least 3 years) full text articles from Perspectives that have addressed revisions in standards and policies.  Tip: Those who…

  • RTN1307_B8_Standards IQ

    • EC: Test Your Standards IQ[®] [Pearl: CJCP, E&M, JCSC, MDx] EC News July 2013, Vol 16, #7, Pg 2 This month’s 5 questions (with answers on page 11) delve into monitoring of hazardous gases, egress doors, disaster privileges, utility system maps and fire alarm testing.  Test yourself!Tip: Collect these questions (our new Custom Information…

  • RTN1306_B6_CJCP: Accreditation Process (ACC)

    • TS: – CJCP™ : Certified Joint Commission Professional: Spotlight on the Accreditation Process [Pearl: CJCP, JCSC, Ldr] The Source, June 2013, Vol 11, #6, Pg 15 This installment of the CJCP preparatory series provides 4 questions related to the Accreditation Process (ACC) chapter of the hospital accreditation manual.  Those of us involved in the…