Category: CATcf2_CJCPref

  • RTN1310_B5

    • JCt: – 2013 Survey Activity Guide  [@]  [REF: BHC, CJCP, EOC, JCSC, MD, RN, SFT] Joint Commission Online, Aug 21, 2013, Pg 1  #JCt1310_B5 2013 Survey Activity Guide (PDF) has been updated to include revisions to the Document Lists.  There are 2 major changes! The first is that during survey, all organizations are to…

  • RTN1309_B3_Standards IQ Quiz

    • EC: – Test your Standards IQ[®] [REF: CJCP, E&M, JCSC, SFT] EC News September 2013, Vol 16, #9, Pg 2  #JCe1309_B3 The series continues with 5 more questions (with answers on page 11) related to the following challenging (and frequently cited) requirements:• Emergency response exercises: EM.03.01.03, EP 2  • Hazardous material procedures: EC.02.02.01, EP 3•…

  • RTN1308_B4_CJCP @ IM Standards

    • TS: –  CJCP™: Certified Joint Commission Professional: Focus on Information Management[®]  [Pearl: CJCP, IM, JCSC, MD] The Source, August 2013, Vol 11, #8, Pg 7 #JCs1308_b4 This month’s column only provides 3 sample questions.  As the title indicates, they primarily relate to IM standards, but they address issues physicians should know.Tip: Encourage professional staff…