Category: CATcf2_CJCPref

  • RTN1312_B4_CJCP – EM Standards

    *TS: –  CJCP: Certified Joint Commission Professional: Focus on Emergency Management Standards[®] [REF: CJCP, E&M, Psy, MD] The Source, December 2013, Vol 12, #6, Pg 14  JCs1312_B4 There are only 3 questions this month and they are related to:• EM.01.01.01 – Hospital/community disaster collaboration (How much should you share?)• EM.02.01.01, EM.02.02.01, EM.02.02.03, EM.02.02.05, EM.02.02.07, EM.02.02.09…

  • RTN1311_B7_LD.0103.01 & CMS POC

    • TS: – CMS: Preparing a Plan of Correction[®] [REF: CMS, CJCP, GB, JCSC, LDR] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 16 JCs1311_B7 Now that TJC has deemed status from CMS for the two special Conditions of Participation for psychiatric hospitals, most CMS requirements will be evaluated via TJC survey. However, it is…

  • RTN1310_B3_CJCP (PC Chapter)

    • TS: –  CJCP Certified Joint Commission Professional™: Focus on the “Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services” Chapter[®] [Pearl: CJCP, JCSC, MD, RN, SW] The Source, October 2013, Vol 11, #10, Pg 12  JCs1310_B3 Four of this months five practice questions are relevant to the Behavioral Health professional interested in seeking TJC certification.  When choosing…