RTN1411_B1_New Patient Safety Systems Chapter
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls *PR: Patient Safety Systems: New Accreditation Manual Chapter for Hospitals[®] [REF:2015, CJCP, GB, JCSC, LDR, PI] Perspectives, November 2014, Vol 34, #11, Pg 1 JCp1411_B1 As announced in the September issue of The Source, Patient Safety Systems (PS) is a new chapter, but it does not contain any new…
RTN1409_B1_Top Standards 2014 (Jan-Jun)
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls *PR: Top Standards Compliance Data for First Half of 2014[®] [REF: 2014, JCSC, LDR, Phrm] Perspectives, September 2014, Vol 34, #9, Pg 1 JCp1409_B1 Once again, TJC has published the 10 most frequently cited standards in each program, for the first half of this year. There have been some…
RTN1408_B1_Infection From Misuse of Vials
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls *PR: Sentinel Event Alert: New Alert Discusses Prevalence of Unsafe Injection Practices in Health Care[®] [REF:IC, P&T, RN] Perspectives, August 2014, Vol 34, #7, Pg 4 JCp1408_B1 Sentinel Event Alert 52, issued on 6/16/14, focuses our attention on the risk of prevention that can occur when appropriate infection prevention…