Category: CATcf1_RN

  • RTN1508_B4_Averting Drug Diversion

    * EC: Averting Drug Diversion: How to recognize and prevent medication theft by staff (PDF/QV) [REF: MD, Phrm/P&T, RN] EC News, August 2015, Vol 18, #8, Pg 1 JCe1501_B4 As indicated in the subtitle, the article focuses on drug diversion/theft by the hospital’s staff. Although reliable incident numbers are hard to obtain the article comments…

  • RTN1504_B5_De-escalation/Self-Defense…when a patient…turns violent

    * EC: From De-escalation to Self-Defense: What to do when a patient or visitor turns violent (PDF/QV) [REF: EM, LDR, PI, RN, SFT] EC News, April 2015, Vol 18, #4, Pg 7 JCe1504_B5 This article is essentially a continuation of the January 2015 article: Code Black and Blue (Environment of Care News, January 2015, Volume 18,…

  • RTN1502_B3_CMS: Recent Standards Changes for Deemed Status Hospitals

    *TS: CMS: Recent Standards Changes for Deemed Status Hospitals (PDF/QV) [REF: CMS, EOC, JCSC, LD, MD, Phrm, RN] The Source, February 2015, Vol 13, #2, Pg 2 JCs1502_B3 In order to be approved for another 6 years of deeming authority, TJC has realigned a significant number of its requirements. This article provides a table that…