Category: CATcf1_RN

  • RTN1511_B2_Sentinel Event #55 (Falls Prevention)

      • PR: New Alert Discusses Prevention of Patient Falls (PDF/QV) [REF: PI, RN] Perspectives November 2015, Vol 35, #11, Pg 4 JCp1511_B2 Sentinel Event Alert #55 is most likely based in part on the fact that falls with injuries has consistently been among the top 10 Sentinel Events reported to TJC for a number of years. The…

  • RTN1511_B4_Sentinel Event Alert #55 (Falls Prevention)

    *TS: Perspectives on Patient Safety: New Sentinel Event Alert on Patient Falls (PDF/QV) [REF: RNx] The Source, November 2015, Vol 13, #11, Pg 7 JCs1511_B4 This is the second article in a November TJC publication dedicated to Sentinel Event Alert 55 on Falls Prevention.  Although largely redundant with this month’s Perspective article on the same…

  • RTN1510_B3_The Braden Scale

    *TS: Patient Safety Tool Box: The Braden Scale for Assessing Pressure Ulcer Risk (PDF/QV) [REF: IC, RN] The Source, October 2015, Vol 13, #10, Pg 5 JCs1510_B3 Assessment and management of decubitus ulcers is addressed in NPSG.14.01.01. Although this requirement is applicable to Nursing Care Centers and not strictly speaking to hospitals, the issue is…