RTN1604_B2_2015 Sentinel Event Statistics
•PR: Sentinel Event Statistics Released for 2015 (PDF) [REF: LD, PI] Perspectives April 2016, Vol 36, #4, Pg 10 JCp1604_B2 The ten most frequently reported types of sentinel events have not changed much since the first half of last year. Fire-related events dropped off and Criminal Events returned as #8. Suicide fell to #4 while…
RTN1604_B6_NRI @ Reading A Comparison Chart
*NRI: Reading A Comparison Chart – Guidance for Users (PDF) [REF: NRI, PI] Technical Notes, April 14, 2016, Pg 5 published by the Behavioral Healthcare Performance Measurement System of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute, Inc. (NRI) NRi1604_B6 Last month we presented initial guidance on reading a control chart. A…
RTN1603_B5_NRI @ Reading A Control Chart
*TS: – Reading A Control Chart – Guidance For Users (PDF/QV) [REF: NRI, PI] Technical Notes, March 10, 2016, Pg 3 published by the Behavioral Healthcare Performance Measurement System of the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Research Institute, Inc. (NRI) NRi1603_B5 Control Charts are the first glimpse of the facility processes related…