RTN1306_B7_Staff/Pt Safety (High Reliability)
• EC: – OSHA & Worker Safety: Safety Synergy The importance of stressing safety for both workers and patients in health care organizations [REF: GB, LDR, SFT] EC News June 2013, Vol 16, #6, Pg 1 In earlier works (i.e., To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System in 1999 and Crossing the Quality…
RTN1305_B5_C&E @ ICES
• EC: – Clarifications and Expectations (C&E): The Information Collection and Evaluation System (ICES) Simplifying data collection and analysis[®] [REF: EOC, JCSC, PI, SFT] EC News May 2013, Vol 16, #5, Pg 6 #JCe1305_B5 Since at least 2002, TJC has been encouraging the implementation of an Information Collection and Evaluation System (ICES). It used…
RTN1303_B6_EC Risk Assmt
• EC: – Clarifications and Expectations: 7 Easy Steps to Risk Assessment: How you can do it and why you need to[®] [Pearl: EOC, LDR, PI, SFT] EC News February 2013, Vol 16, #3, Pg 6 In this latest installment of the series, Mr. Mills makes it clear he does not want to be prescriptive. …