RTN1508_B7_OSHA/Workplace Violence
* EC: OSHA & Worker Safety: Guidelines for Zero Tolerance (New OSHA publication helps prevent violence in the health care setting) (PDF/QV) [REF: LD, SFT] EC News, August 2015, Vol 18, #8, Pg 8 JCe1508_B7 Although workplace violence (WPV) is under reported, it is estimated that 70-74% of all assaults reported from 2011 to 3013…
RTN1507_B2_NPSF Guidelines on Root Cause Analysis (RCA)
• PR: National Patient Safety Foundation Releases Guidelines on Root Cause Analysis (PDF/QV) [REF: AOM, LDR, PI, ] Perspectives July 2014, Vol 35, #7, Pg 7 JCp1507_B2 “The National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF), with support from The Doctors Company Foundation, convened a panel of subject matter experts and stakeholders” (including TJC) for the purpose of…
RTN1506_B3_Health IT-Related Sentinel Events
*TS: Factors Potentially Leading to Health IT-Related Sentinel Events (PDF/QV) [REF: IT, LDR] The Source, June 2015, Vol 13, #6, Pg 14 JCs1506_B3 This 1-page info graphic depicts the rank ordering of the 8 categories of ‘socio-technical’ issues (detailed in TJC’s Sentinel Event Alert 54) that should be considered to help prevent health IT-related sentinel…