RTN1512_B2_ Stewardship – 2/2
*TS: Stewardship as a Shared Mental Model for Health Care Management and Delivery, Part 2 (PDF/QV) [REF: GB, LDR, MD, RN] The Source, December 2015, Vol 13, #12, Pg 1 JCs1512_B2 If the path to the zero harm of high reliability requires a culture of safety then establishing trusting relationships within and between leaders and…
RTN1512_B5_Crisis Standards of Care 2/2
* EC: Emergency Management: Getting started with the crisis standards of care, part 2 (PDF/QV) [REF: GB, EC, LDR, SFT] EC News, December 2015, Vol 18, #12, Pg 1 JCe1512_B5 Part 1 of this article was published in November issue of EOC News. It served to provide some history, a few definitions and announce the…
RTN1511_B1_Oro™ 2.0 (Assessing High Reliability)
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls *PR: Oro™ 2.0 Helps Hospital Leadership Assess Organizational High Reliability (PDF/QV)[REF:AOM, LDR] Perspectives, November 2015, Vol 35, #11, Pg 1 JCp1511_B1 Oro™ 2.0 is described as an online high reliability assessment and resource library. Think of it as a Targeted Solutions Tool (TST) for becoming a high reliability organization (HRO). Oro™…