RTN1604_B2_2015 Sentinel Event Statistics
•PR: Sentinel Event Statistics Released for 2015 (PDF) [REF: LD, PI] Perspectives April 2016, Vol 36, #4, Pg 10 JCp1604_B2 The ten most frequently reported types of sentinel events have not changed much since the first half of last year. Fire-related events dropped off and Criminal Events returned as #8. Suicide fell to #4 while…
RTN1604_B4_OSHA Workplace Violence Reduction
* EC: OSHA & Worker Safety: Assault Halt OSHA and The Joint Commission offer guidance and resources to curb workplace violence (PDF) [REF: EC, LD, RN] EC News, April 2016, Vol 19, #4, Pg 5 JCe1604_B4 This article essentially makes 3 key points. #1 – “Every health care organization is at risk for occupational violence…
RTN1602_B4_NPSF-Free From Harm
*TS: Perspectives on Patient Safety: National Patient Safety Foundation Examines Patient Safety Progress since To Err is Human (PDF/QV) [REF: LDR/GB] The Source, February 2016, Vol 14, #2, Pg 9 JCs1602_B4 NPSF has recently published Free from Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement Fifteen Years After as a follow-up report on To Err Is Human: Building a…