RTN1605_B3_Quick Safety: Implicit Bias
• PR: New Quick Safety Focuses on Implicit Bias (PDF) [REF: HR, LD, StEd] Perspectives May 2016, Vol 36, #4, Pg 4 JCp1605_B3 “On the eve of the 15th anniversary of two seminal reports from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) – Crossing the Quality Chasm and Unequal Treatment – we find that racial and socioeconomic…
RTN1605_B8_Means of Egress Integrity (LS.02.01.20)
* EC: The importance of maintaining the integrity of the means of egress (PDF) [REF: EC, LD] EC News, May 2016, Vol 19, #1, Pg 1 JCe1605_B7 LS.02.01.20 has been among the 4 most frequently cited TJC hospital standards for the last 5 years. The most problematic elements of performance have been numbers 13 (exit…
RTN1604_B1_2015 Top Standards Compliance Issues
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls •PR: Top Standards Compliance Data Announced for 2015 (PDF)[REF:EOC, RN, SFT] Perspectives, September 2016, Vol 36, #4, Pg 1 JCp1604_B1 The most frequently cited standards for all of 2015 have not changed much from the listing for the first half of that year. It is valuable for survey preparation…