RTN1210_B3_Intracycle Monitoring
• PR: – Joint Commission to Launch New Intracycle Monitoring Process [REF: JCCAP, JCSC, LDR, MDx, PI, PPR, RNx] Perspectives September 2012, Vol 32, # 10, Pg 10 TJC’s new Intracycle Monitoring (ICM) process began pilot testing this past January and is not scheduled for full implementation until January, 2013. However, on November 12th, a…
RTN1210_B5_Transition Tracer
• TS: – Tracer Methodology 101: Transition of Care Tracer [Pearl: LDR, PI, UR/UM] The Source, October 2012, Vol 10, # 10, Pg 4 [®] There is no description of a Transition Tracer in the current TJC survey activity guide. However, TJC recently launched a Transitions of Care (TOC) Portal and published Transitions of Care:…
RTN1210_B6_Smoke Free
• EC: – No Butts About It: How and why hospitals should go smoke free[Pearl: LDR, MDx, PtEd, RNx, StEd] EC News October 2012, Vol 15, # 9, Pg 1 Most psychiatric hospitals have a written policy prohibiting smoking in all buildings as required by EC.02.01.03. However, our smoke-free policies (SFPs) and tobacco cessation programs…