RTN1307_B2_EM Oversight (LD0401/EM0301)
• PR: New and Revised Requirements Address Emergency Management Oversight[®] [REF: EOC, JCSC, LDR, SFT] Perspectives July 2012, Vol 33, #7, Pg 14 TJC is implementing new and revised EP to improve the oversight of emergency management. These changes are found in LD.04.01.01 (EP25), LD.04.01.05 (EP12), EM.03.01.01 (EP4), and EM.03.01.03 (EP13-14). Through them, accountability for hospital-wide…
RTN1307_B4_Patient Flow (LD040311-2/3)
• TS: Patient Flow Success Strategies, Part 2: Harborview Medical Center[®] [REF: GB, LDR, MDx, RNx] The Source, July 2013, Vol 11, #6, Pg 1 This is the second article in a planned series of three that address the issue of patient flow. This one again uses a case study success to look specifically at ED…
RTN1307_B10_OSHA Pt/Staff Safety (2/2)
• EC: OSHA & Worker Safety Protection Partnership: How health care organizations can better secure the safety of workers and patients alike ®JCe1307r_Staff:Pt Safety (2:2) [Ref: GB, LDR] EC News July 2013, Vol 16, #7, Pg 7 This article is a Part 2 and follow-up to last month’s piece on Safety Synergy: The Importance of Stressing…