RTN1311_B7_LD.0103.01 & CMS POC
• TS: – CMS: Preparing a Plan of Correction[®] [REF: CMS, CJCP, GB, JCSC, LDR] The Source, November 2013, Vol 11, #11, Pg 16 JCs1311_B7 Now that TJC has deemed status from CMS for the two special Conditions of Participation for psychiatric hospitals, most CMS requirements will be evaluated via TJC survey. However, it is…
RTN1310_B1_SE Stats
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls •PR: – Sentinel Event Statistics for First Half of 2013[®] [REF: JCSC, LDR, PI, SFT] Perspectives, October 2013, Vol 33, #10, Pg 1 JCp1310_B1 Based on updated SE statistics through the first half of this year, the 10 most frequently reported events include Falls (#4), Suicide (#7), Assault/Rape/Homicide (#8) and…
RTN1309_B1_Top Compliance Issues
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls •PR: – Top Standards Compliance Issues for First Half of 2013[®] [REF: BHC, JCSC, LDR, MD, RN] Perspectives, September 2013, Vol 33, #9, Pg 1 #JCp1309_B1 Once again, TJC has listed the 10 most frequently cited standards for each program. Although there are often changes in ranking of individual issues,…