Category: CAT-RTN2015

  • RTN1510_B3_The Braden Scale

    *TS: Patient Safety Tool Box: The Braden Scale for Assessing Pressure Ulcer Risk (PDF/QV) [REF: IC, RN] The Source, October 2015, Vol 13, #10, Pg 5 JCs1510_B3 Assessment and management of decubitus ulcers is addressed in NPSG.14.01.01. Although this requirement is applicable to Nursing Care Centers and not strictly speaking to hospitals, the issue is…

  • RTN1510_B4_Tracer- Action after Mock

    *TS: Tracer Methodology 101: After Your Mock Tracer: Turn Information into Action (PDF/QV) [REF: JCSC] The Source, October 2015, Vol 13, #10, Pg 13 JCs1510_B4 Like all articles in the Tracer Methodology 101 series, this installment is encouraging the conduct of mock tracers.  This month, advice is given for maximizing the benefit of mock tracers…

  • RTN1510_B5_Dangerous Denizens (Forensic/Prisoner Patients)

    * EC: Dangerous Denizens: Preparing staff, law enforcement, and your hospital to manage forensic patients  (PDF/QV) [REF: AOM, SFT] EC News, October 2015, Vol 18, #10, Pg 1 JCe1510_B5 In June of 2010, Sentinel Event Alert Issue 45 (i.e., Preventing violence in the healthcare setting) warned that there was a significant increase in crime and…