RTN1501_B05_Evidence of Standards Compliance (ESC)
*TS: Accreditation Management Skills: Developing an Effective Evidence of Standards Compliance[@] [REF: JCSC, §90] The Source, January 2015, Vol 13, #1, Pg 2 JCs1501_B05 This article provides a succinct but useful set of tips for ensuring acceptability of an ESC submission. For example: “It is not enough to say you revised a policy…or reeducated staff… describe the…
RTN1501_B06_New ORYX Requirements
*TS: Benchmark: Understanding the New ORYX Performance Measurement Requirements[®] [REF: 2015, CMS, IM, JCSC] The Source, January 2015, Vol 13, #1, Pg 12 JCs1501_B06 TJC is more closely aligning its measure requirements with CMS and attempting to reduce reporting burden. The Joint Commission reduced the number of chart-abstracted measure sets from 14 to 12, eliminating heart failure…
RTN1501_B07_Why Patients Turn Violent
* EC:Code Black and Blue: Why patients turn violent and how to recognize it before it happens[®] [REF: RN, SFT, StEd] EC News, January 2015, Vol 18, #7, Pg 1 JCe1501_B07 Knowing those situations in which the risk of patient:staff violence is highest can help staff avoid and prevent injuries. This article reports a study that determined…