RTN1501_B02_2015 Standards Revisions
• PR:Reminder: Several Revisions Effective January 1, 2015[®] [REF: 2015, JCSC] Perspectives January 2015, Vol 35, #7, Pg 19 JCp1501_B02 Changes in standards/requirements now in effect for 2015 include: For BHC: Human Resources Management Chapter– New chapter name/revisions Survey Eligibility Criteria – New For Hospitals Patient Safety Systems Chapter – New chapter comprised of 34 old standards PI.02.01.03 –…
RTN1501_B03_Implementing Cultural Change
*TS: On the CUSP: Implementing Cultural Change and Improving Patient Safety[@] [REF: LD, PI, SFT] The Source, January 2015, Vol 13, #1, Pg 1 JCs1501_B03 “The Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP) aims to improve the culture of safety while providing frontline caregivers with the tools and support that they need to identify and tackle the hazards…
RTN1501_B04_Tracer: Competence Assessment
*TS:Tracer Methodology 101: Competence Assessment Tracer in a Hospital[@] [REF: HR, JCSC, §48] The Source, January 2015, Vol 13, #1, Pg 2 JCs1501_B04 Although not listed specifically as a type of tracer in the survey activity guide, surveyors can decide to conduct a tracer related to competence. In addition to general comments about what competency is,…