Category: cat-rtn_1403

  • RTN1403_A_Highlights

    State & Psychiatric Hospital Compliance Collaborative’s Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN) March  2014, Volume 8, Issue 3 **WHAT’S NEW for March 2014 Article of the Month Perspectives on Patient Safety: Building Physician Leadership [The Source, March 2014, Vol 12, #3, Pg 13 [Recommended for: GB, LDR, MD] Pressure is building in the field of medicine, including psychiatry, to achieve…

  • RTN1403_B1_Guest Access To Connect

    Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls *PR: – Joint Commission Simplifies Guest Access to Extranet[®] [REF:JCSC] Perspectives, March 2014, Vol 34, #3, Pg 10  JCp1403_B1 Guest access does not include access to an organization’s specific data or reports. It does, however, provide the ability to use key tools such as the Leading Practice Library, Core Measure Solution…

  • RTN1403_B2_Patient Safety

    *TS: – The State of Patient Safety: Q & A with Saul Weingart, MD, PhD[®] [PEARL: GB, LDR, PI] The Source, March 2014, Vol 12, #3, Pg 1 JCs1403_B2 In this piece, a physician who is a national patient safety expert shares his perspective on the most important patient safety challenges.  In response, he emphasizes the need…