State & Psychiatric Hospital Compliance Collaborative’s Reading Tips Newsletter (RTN) October 2013, Volume 7, Issue 10 ••WHAT’S NEW for October 2013 Fresh SPHCC Guests & Visitors – Our monthly newsletters all begin with this Highlights section you are now reading. We think the ‘Recommended Readings’ below are the ‘critical few‘ for this month. If you…
RTN1310_B1_SE Stats
Recommended Readings, Tips & Pearls •PR: – Sentinel Event Statistics for First Half of 2013[®] [REF: JCSC, LDR, PI, SFT] Perspectives, October 2013, Vol 33, #10, Pg 1 JCp1310_B1 Based on updated SE statistics through the first half of this year, the 10 most frequently reported events include Falls (#4), Suicide (#7), Assault/Rape/Homicide (#8) and…
RTN1310_B2_IC.02.02.01 (Med Equip)
• TS: – 5-Sure-Fire Methods: Complying with Standard IC.02.02.01[®] [REF: Hskp, IC, RN, SFT] The Source, October 2013, Vol 11, #10, Pg 2 JCs1310_B2 Almost half (47%) of TJC hospitals surveyed during the first half of 2013 were found out of compliance with this requirement for reducing the risk of infections via medical equipment, devices…